
Rains In L.A. - Scouting for Girls


 【轻快节奏】Rains In L.A. - Scouting for Girls

炎炎夏日,推送一首小清新风格的英式摇滚,选自Scouting for Girls发行于2012年的专辑《The Light Between Us》。整张专辑以钢琴声为基调,朗朗上口,轻松欢快,听着主唱Roy Stride高亢的嗓音,身体会不自觉的被感染而舞动。

Scouting for Girls成立于2005年,伦敦的一支独立流行乐队,组员Roy,Greg和Pete三人是从小的玩伴。团名一语双关,给人莽撞却可爱的感觉,又让人怀念起儿时的天真和嘻笑打闹,暗示着成长、成年以及幻想破灭中的那份成熟。

《Rains In L.A.》

It only rains in LA
It only rains in LA, so why don't you stay?

Move to LA, move to the sunshine
That's what she said, chance of a lifetime
What did I do? I sit and wonder
Says it's not me, it's just the rain in London

Oh no oh no oh nonono(Don't go don't go)
Oh no oh no oh nonono

Her minds made up, she leaves on Monday
She's coming back, she told me not to worry
But all my plans starting to come undone
I'd give the world, to keep my girl in London

So I lie, and I say, it only rains in LA, so why don't you stay?
If you go, then I know, it's gonna probably snow, so why don't you stay?

It only ever rains in LA
It only rains in LA, so why don't you stay?
It only rains in LA
It only rains in LA, so why don't you stay?

Two weeks go by, I get a postcard
She's met a guy, and he's a life guard.
Not coming back, says she's got my number
She'll look me up, next time that she's in London

Now you know, why I say, It only rains in LA
I knew thay you'd stay
Pack my bag, grab my coat - I'm gonna bring you back home, I'm off to LA

It only ever rains in LA
It only rains in LA, so why don't you stay?
It only rains in LA
It only rains in LA, so why don't you stay?

Oh no oh no oh nonono
Don't go~

Don't you know, no one will love you more than me?
No one will love you more than me

So I'm going to stay in LA
Until you see
That no one will love you more! than...

It never rains in LA
It never rains in LA, so why don't we stay?

It never rains in LA (Every day)
It never rains in LA, so why don't we stay?

Oh no oh no oh nonono
Oh oh~~~
Oh no oh no oh nonono
Oh oh~~~

